When I first searched using Google , I never turned back. Becoming my one and only search engine has proved to help me find anything from pictures of Florida beating FSU to how the hell do you add more swap space to Linux. Yep, Google has helped me in many pinches. Now, I have to say Google has really turned a corner . . . Gmail . I know what you're saying . . . "everyone already knows about Gmail" or "it's been around for a long time". And I whole-heartedly agree. However, why is it still in Beta? When are they going to release a "Production" version? I absolutely love Gmail, and I hope it stays for quite some time. In fact, I am waiting for some features to be added (like a Google Calendar ), and maybe that's what Google is waiting for. Gmail is by far the best thing that has happened to e-mail, and I can't wait to see all the improvements Google will make to it over time. Fan-damn-tastic!!!!!